Taoist-Buddhist Esoteric Arts for Life

What is Gaia Buddhism?
Gaia Buddhism is the heart essence of our current work, performing esoteric Buddhist rituals, ceremonies, and practices to benefit the earth herself as a living, breathing being with her own consciousness, as well as interfacing with and supporting all human and other than human beings in the tapestry of realms throughout time and space. We do this through practice, mantra, ceremony and rituals. Our intent in many ways is to cultivate and express bodhicitta, the sacred powerful action emanation of a bodhisattva, expressed through the cultivation of wisdom and compassion. Perhaps we may become Ecosattvas to create a medicinal balm for our planet.
We are an esoteric activity lineage
We are passionate about rituals and practices that support the earth and all sentient beings throughout the realms of time and space.
Jessica (Ksisti Jnana) offers her healing mastery through Five Rings Alchemical Acupressure, Green Tara Reiki, Lotus Feet Reflexology, Medical Qigong & Esoteric Shamanic Healing. As a lineage holder and master Geomancer, she also offers Feng Shui and I Ching consultations. Check out her Tender Heart Care page!
Enhance your longevity and vitality and reduce stress while learning the fundamentals of elegant Crane Style Qigong. Crane cultivates longevity, enhances tendon, ligament and connective tissue circulation, elasticity and flexibility, elongates the spine and strengthens the whole body.
Crane Qigong Course
3 Modules & 9 Lessons

Make a donation.
We are grateful for your support in our mission to bring these beautiful, life enhancing teachings to as many beings as possible. May they be a balm for the mind, spirit and soul.