The Thundering Dragon Dharmapala Lineage is an esoteric, ear-whispered family lineage with origins from the heart of indigenous Chinese culture. Being ordained in an esoteric lineage means your way of life is deeply intertwined with the physical, energetic, and spiritual practices and tools of our arts.
In an esoteric lineage there is a large focus on activities. We practice tantric meditation and intensive mantra hurling, and our focus is on the sacred activities of the tantric deities and practice streams.
Nomadic in nature, our lineage masters traveled, studied and taught throughout East Asia, the himalayan regions, through Indonesia, over Gaia’s water bodies on ships, and eventually to the western hemisphere. They were warriors, priests, shamans, scholars, healers, sages, immortals, teachers, students, husbands, wives, mothers and fathers. An ear-whispered lineage means that most teaching was done from master to disciple in an oral, energetic and spiritual transmission style. For centuries, as many lineages were stamped out due to fear, greed and ignorance, we did not write our practices down. It is only in very recent years that we have opened the doorway to written practice and sharing that practice more publicly.
We practice Internal Martial Kung Fu, Qigong, Inner & Outer Alchemy, Healing Arts, meditation, both esoteric taoist and esoteric tantrayana sadhana & rites, ritual & ceremony. Also known as:
The Thundering Dragon Kung Fu System, The Endless Lotus Healing System, Sun & Moon Alchemy System, & Thundering Dragon Esoteric Vajrayana Sadhana, Rites & Ritual
Our Teachers
Hsin Prajna (Davyd Moerler)
Lineage Holder, Vajra Master & Grand Master
Thundering Dragon Dharmapala Lineage
Ksisti Jnana (Jessica Moerler)
Lineage Holder, Grand Master & Master Geomancer
Krodha Jnana (Julia Lundquist)
Vajra Master & Alchemy Master
Priya Prajna (Karla Vandenbergh)
Vajra Master, Head Instructor & Omshr (Healing Master)
Chandra Dakini (Francy Duska)
Vajra Master, Sound Healing & Reiki Master
We are currently in what Buddhists call the dharma ending age. This is a time of upheaval, of deep, dark transformation where we must face our own personal and cultural shadows. These are the realms where we need the aid of the black dakini, the dark goddess, and the wrathful buddhas. We are a dharmapala lineage, which means we are protectors of the teachings. Our heart practices include Vajrakilaya, Black Dakini & Chod.
Gaia Buddhism is the heart essence of our current work, performing esoteric Buddhist rituals, ceremonies, and practices to benefit the earth herself as a living, breathing being with her own consciousness, as well as interfacing with and supporting all human and other than human beings in the tapestry of realms throughout time and space. We do this through practice, mantra, ceremony and rituals. Our intent in many ways is to cultivate and express bodhicitta, the sacred powerful action emanation of a bodhisattva, expressed through the cultivation of wisdom and compassion. Perhaps we may become Ecosattvas to create a medicinal balm for our planet.