Learn the second qigong in this series, Crane Skims the Lake.

The second qigong introduces the rotation of the ribcage, while maintaining the horse stance. As the ribcage rotates, the momentum moves the arms, and the qi spirals into and supports the spine.

Crane Skims the Lake

  • The crane wing is formed by stretching the tendons, starting with the pinkies then fanning open to the full stretch of the five fingers in the crane wing posture

  • The thumb is tucked next to the pointer finger

  • On the inhalation, expand the lungs and ribcage, allowing the intercostal muscles between the ribs to stretch and expand

  • The rotation of the rib cage allows the wing to cross the torso, hook and then turn carrying the other wing across the body

  • Inhale when the arm crosses the torso, exhale on the rotation

  • The shoulders are relaxed and at their natural diagonal angle so arms will be slightly forward rather than directly at your sides

  • Move with grace, elegance and ease, like a crane skimming a lake